in contrast to the photography of urban spaces, which i'm feeling quite familiar with now, working with people is still something rather new to me. nethertheless it is a very important topic for me and in my opinion in a certain way complements the urban spaces very well. my idea of taking images of people has less to do with traditional portrait photography, but rather with the idea of stills from an imaginary theater play with its story before and after the image, which is left to the phantasy of the beholder. my goal is to develop this kind of a story together between the person in front of the camera and the person behind it and to capture it in a way, so that it has a little magic in it and that it gives some starting points for interpretation without telling the whole story. i see this process as a highly cooperative one around the persons involved, it takes some time and development until it works and it does neither work all the time nor with anybody, but sometimes it does and that is what i'm looking for. because of the fact, that i'm still in the process of developing this kind of approach for me, i'm of course open for anyone who is interested to engage in this experiment ...
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through some sample images